
class maelzel.core.symbols.TrillLine(kind='start', startmark='trill', trillpitch='', alteration='', placement='above', uuid='', **kws)[source]

Bases: Spanner

Trill spanner between two notes.

  • kind – start | end

  • startmark – one of ‘trill’ or ‘bisb’ (bisbigliando)

  • trillpitch – if given, the pitch to trill with

  • alteration – if given, add an alteration to the trill. Not compatible with trillpitch

  • placement – ‘above’ | ‘below’

Methods Summary

applyToNotation(n, parent)

Apply this symbol to the given notation, inplace

Methods Documentation

applyToNotation(n, parent)[source]

Apply this symbol to the given notation, inplace

Return type:
