freqestimate: fundamental frequency detection

Frequency estimation of a signal with different algorithms

The most important entry point is f0curve(), which estimates the fundamental frequency of an audio signal together with its voicedness (the reliability of the measurement)


ceil(x, /)

Return the ceiling of x as an Integral.

detectMinFrequency(samples, sr[, ...])

Detect the min.

f0Autocorr(sig, sr)

Estimate frequency using autocorrelation

f0FFT(sig, sr)

Estimate frequency from peak of FFT

f0HPS(sig, sr[, maxharms])

Estimate frequency using harmonic product spectrum (HPS)

f0ZeroCross(sig, sr)

Estimate frequency by counting zero crossings

f0curve(sig, sr[, minfreq, overlap, method, ...])

Estimate the fundamental and its voicedness

f0curvePyin(sig, sr[, minfreq, maxfreq, ...])

Calculate the fundamental based on the pyin method

f0curvePyinVamp(sig, sr[, fftsize, overlap, ...])

Calculate the fundamental using the pyin vamp plugin

frequencyToWindowSize(freq, sr[, powerof2, ...])

Return the size of a window in samples which can fit the given frequency


Return the lowest power of two >= x

parabolic(f, x)

Estimates inter-sample maximum